Saturday, October 16, 2010

What Am I?

This is an attempt to restart my aborted blogging "career." I have some time on my hands due to an earlier than expected departure from my last call. Such things happen in life. I might as well make some use of the time this given me.

Anyway, I am an evangelical because I believe that salvation is only through Jesus Christ, and that all people who claim the name Christian for themselves must share this news with others;

I call myself Anglo because I come out of the Anglican (Episcopalian) tradition, which still resonates with me. The liturgy, particularly around the celebration of the Eucharist, is beautiful and can serve to draw a person closer to God. And notwithstanding the many theological innovations in the Episcopal Church, they seem to have left the liturgy relatively unscathed (compared with other mainline churches at least).

And I am a Calvinist because of my belief that Calvinism is the doctrine most closely conforming to the theology of the Scriptures.

1 comment:

Chris Larimer said...

Anglo-Calvinist...I hope you use the Anglo-Genevan Psalter!